Winter Slam Basketball Tournament
December 15-17, 2023
Sports Edge and Blue Heat Basketball Academy will host its annual Winter Slam Basketball Tournament at one facility on five courts for travel/club teams. The event will be for boys and girls grades 3rd-8th. The team fee will be $250. If registering multiple teams, discounts will be available. Rosters will be checked at Team Check-In. All games will be played with a stopped clock on all dead balls. There is a 3-game guarantee. Trophies will be awarded for each division and MVPs.
​Tournament Dates:​​
December 15-17, 2023
3rd – 8th Grades
Registration Fee:
​​​​Tournament Location:
Sports Edge Facility
8457 Western Way
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Multiple Divisions for Both Boys and Girls Teams
Sports Edge welcomes Avanti Travel Group as our exclusive travel partner for all our tournaments. The success of our tournament relies on the combination of dedicated volunteers and established partnerships with our sponsors. Those teams requiring hotel accommodations are asked to book only through Avanti Travel Group.
Avanti Travel Group has secured blocks at all participating host hotels, so contact them early to book your team or reservation. We thank you in advance for your support.
This event is a hands-free ticket event. All entry tickets must be purchased through SportsWrench. Spectator tickets will go on sale 7 days prior to the event and can be purchased through the link below.
Tournament Director:
Jason Hughes, Head of Basketball Operations, Blue Heat Academy, Head Coach, The Bolles School Varsity Basketball
Program Questions Contact:
Emilee Hughes
Basketball Club Administrator